Our Mission

Natural disasters often strike without warning, leaving behind a trail of destruction and disrupted services that need to be reestablished in the shortest time possible. More often than not, community officials are overwhelmed with emergency recovery and require additional assistance with engineering services and guidance in obtaining federal aid. 
Our business was established to fulfill such a role. 

Pudar Mitigation Consulting, Inc. is a Certified Small Business, offering specialized services in risk assessment and FEMA disaster mitigation support. We provide our services to private clients and federal, state and municipal governments. We endeavor to be a regionally recognized technical provider of post-disaster mitigation assistance, risk assessment and program support. Our approach to every project is with a focus on the most cost-effective solution within the existing regulatory framework and requirements. Our emphasis is on delivering a first class product on time, at a competitive price and at the leading edge of the technology.   

Pudar Mitigation Consulting, Inc. is a Corporate Partner of the National Association of State Floodplain Managers (ASFPM).  

Pudar Mitigation Consulting, Inc.

Risk Management and Mitigation Services